July 30, 2018 by admin
The registration process needs to be taken care of per school year for new and returning talmidim, and involves taking care of required forms and financial arrangements. The registration forms for the Mesivta are personalized forms and emailed directly from the Business Office after Pesach 5778. Admit cards are issued in August to all families who have successfully completed the registration process and are financially clear.
If you confirmed your son’s acceptance or your son is a returning talmid and you did not receive a personalized email with your forms attached, need an additional or corrected file or have any questions about the forms, please do not hesitate to contact the Business Office, which can be reached by phone (845) 362-8362, ex. 108 or by emailing
businessoffice@ohrreuven.com, as soon as possible.
Admit cards are issued in August to all families who have successfully completed the registration process and are financially clear.
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