Yeshivas Ohr Reuven has an outstanding faculty and staff with many years of experience in Chinuch. Our leadership strives on focusing in each and every talmid in the Yeshiva, placing the priority on the student and their individual needs. The warmth and personal relationship the talmidim have to the faculty is exceptional.
Rabbi Bezalel Rudinsky
Rosh YeshivaRabbi Benzion Brodie
S’gan Rosh YeshivaRabbi Ari Medetsky
MenahelRabbi Y. Bentzion Bamberger
MashgiachRabbi Raphael Vilinsky
S’gan Menahel
Rabbi Menachem Apter
Rabbi Elie Genack
Rabbi Shmuel Reich
Rabbi Elimelech Ringel
Rabbi Yaakov Scheinberg
Rabbi Dovid Stefansky
Rabbi Raphael Vilinsky
Rabbi Eliyahu Wincelberg
Rabbi Chaim Schmerhold
Rabbi Yanky Modell
English Principal:
Mr. Boruch Rudinsky
Associate Principal:
Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb
Assistant Principal:
Rabbi Boruch Vann
Executive Director:
Mr. Dovid Yosef Berman
Mr. Avromi Balsam
Mrs. Nechama Weitz
IT Director:
Mr. Yisroel Meir Birnbaum
Night Seder Rebbeim:
Rabbi Meir Lichtenstein
Rabbi Noam Peikes
Rabbi Shea Steinberg
Bais Hamedrash/Kollel:
Rabbi Dovid ApterRabbi Yosef Fishman
Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb
Rabbi Yisroel Saperstein
Rabbi Tzvi Rudinsky, Rosh Kollel Ramat Gevat Ze’ev
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