Yeshivas Ohr Reuven has an extensive audio library, with over 12,000 archived shiurim. Every public shiur given by the Rosh Yeshiva and Rebbeim in Yeshiva is recorded, catalogued, and made available via the Yeshivas Ohr Reuven App and Audio Library Website.
The Yeshiva has been digitally recording all shiurim since 2003, and all shiurim are in MP3 format and fully tagged and searchable. Topics include Parsha Shmuess, Dvar Halacha, Gemara, Navi, Iyun Tefilla, and many more.
The Yeshivas Ohr Reuven Audio Library app shows the latest shiurim given in Yeshiva, and has archived shiurim available by search, category filter, and by year. The Yeshiva App is available in as an iPhone and Android app.
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