Yeshivas Ohr Reuven has a vibrant alumni, with many events and programs throughout the year. Ohr Reuven Talmidim remain connected to the Yeshiva and Rebbeim even after they leave, and many of the older alumni now send their children to Yeshiva.

The Yeshiva’s alumni association is headed by Heshy Friedman, Menachem Weinreb, Raphael Vilinsky, Eli Shulman, Reuven Frankel, and Yitzy Bamberger, in addition to the committee members who help out with other events such as the Melava Malka and alumni shiurim.

The main alumni event is the annual Alumni Melava Malka. This event draws the Yeshiva alumni spanning a period of over 20 years to connect with their Rebbeim and old friends. Professionally set-up with gourmet catering, the Melava Malka is enjoyed by everyone who attends. The program includes a Q&A from the Rosh Yeshiva, background of happenings at Yeshiva, and a raffle. This year’s Melava Malka featured a sefer published by the Yeshiva on Purim topics from the Rebbeim, as well as Purim clappers.

The alumni association also puts together a monthly alumni shiur, which will be given by the Rosh Yeshiva or Rebbeim. These shiurim are usually on interesting topics or seasonally related. Most alumni shiurim feature hot food and refreshments, graciously sponsored by former Talmidim.

Other events that alumni participate in include the Rosh Yeshiva’s annual Siyum Hashas, Arba Minim sale from the Rosh Yeshiva, Purim, Chanukah, Yamim Noraim Shmuessin, and the annual Yeshiva Dinner.

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Yeshivas Ohr Reuven