There are many ways to Support Yeshivas Ohr Reuven. For donations, there is an easy online donations system, as well as other payment options. In addition to running special campaigns, the yeshiva also has ongoing programs that run throughout the year that benefit the yeshiva at no extra cost to you! See the list of options below:
Ongoing Programs
Special Campaigns and Sponsorships
Yeshivas Ohr Reuven is a recognized 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible. The federal tax identification number for Yeshivas Ohr Reuven is 13-3578806.
Yeshivas Ohr Reuven takes credit card and echeck donations through our online Donations system. You can make a one-time payment or set up recurring monthly payments using this system. Use the link below to make the online donations.
To make a donation by check, please make the check out to the following address:
Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
259 Grandview Ave.
Suffern, New York 10901
To make a donation by Zelle, please send to the following address:
Many corporations with match your donation to YOR dollar for dollar. Corporations that we have received matching gifts from include: Goldman Sachs, IBM, and Prudential. To find out more, please contact our business office at 845-362-8362, ex 108.
Just Energy is Yeshivas Ohr Reuven’s preferred gas & electric supplier. Just Energy and Yeshivas Ohr Reuven have joined forces so you can save money on your bills and generate funds to help the Yeshiva at the same time.
Enroll online at: For further information regarding residential or commercial account variable and fixed rate prices, call Miriam Steifel @ 845-228-3401, or email
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school’s Box Tops earnings online.
Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!
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BUY BOX TOPS PRODUCTS Look for the logo. You can find it on hundreds of products you know and love. | SCAN YOUR RECEIPT No more clipping. Tap the scan button and snap a photo of your receipt within 14 days of purchase. | EARN CASH FOR YOUR SCHOOL It’s that easy! Box Tops earnings are identified and automatically updated online. |
With, Yeshivas Ohr Reuven can earn donations based on your online purchases at no additional charge to you!
Visit to set up an account and choose Yeshivas Ohr Reuven as your cause.
How it works:
For more information, visit
Thanks to the Matnas Shabbos Program, the talmidim come away each Friday with a tangible excitement about Shabbos and its zemiros. For just $54 you can sponsor a week of this beautiful program liluy nishmas, l’refuah shlaima or just in honor of your son/grandson, etc. Sponsor dedication will be prominently displayed on the front cover of the weekly pamphlet. If you would like to become a Matnas Shabbos sponsor, please email or click here to make a credit card payment (please include which week you would like to sponsor and any specific details in the comments section).
The Nedivim society is a group of dedicated parents who have generously committed to take upon themselves a substantial portion of the financial burden of the Yeshiva. These close friends of the yeshiva give or raise money on a monthly basis above and beyond their tuition obligation. For this, the Yeshiva and the Rosh Hayeshiva are eternally grateful. It is in large part to the credit of the Nedivim that the yeshiva has been able to stay current on its financial obligations.
If you would like more information or would like to become a member of the Nedivim, please contact Mr. Berman at (845) 362- 8362 Ext. 112. or
YKOR has a vibrant n’shei whose goal is to enhance the boys’ enjoyment of their time in school. Rosh Chodesh is celebrated every month with a treat related to that particular month. For example, last year, Cheshvan was celebrated with umbrella hats, Kislev with donuts, and Iyar with toys for outdoor play in line with the arrival of spring. YKOR families volunteer to sponsor or cosponsor a Rosh Chodesh treat in honor of a rebbe, a birthday, a yahrtzeit, or even just to show their pride in their own kids! The boys look forward to these treats which help mark Rosh Chodesh as the special day that it is. The YKOR n’shei sponsors many projects over the course of the year including the Chanukah chagiga, Purim-cotton-candy extravaganza, and the Tu B’shevat program. The n’shei’s Women’s Tea, where mothers get together for a delicious and inspiring evening, is a great forum for mothers in the parent body to get to know one another. Every year, Lag B’omer is celebrated with an exciting fund-raiser, such as our 5K run at Bear Mountain and our very popular Bowl-a-thon, that raises money for the yeshiva while stressing the importance of good health and exercise. Our box-tops program rewards the boys for collecting and bringing in box-tops which help to raise funds for the small, but important things in the Yeshiva. In the past, our box-tops program has funded basketball hoops, soccer nets, and other sports equipment for the boys to enjoy. The n’shei also takes the lead in representing our parent body as we periodically recognize and thank our devoted staff with Chanukah gifts as well and Mishloach Manos for Purim. N’shei invites everyone to assist us in making our boys’ days enjoyable. Any and all help is always appreciated! If you are able to volunteer to help the N’shei or would like to sponsor a N’shei activity or event, please contact Aviva Cohen or Simi Eisenstadt.
In Case Of Inclement Weather Please Call our Message Line
845-362-8362 ext. 199 (Yeshiva Ketana)
845-362-8362 ext. 198 (Mesivta)