Farher Process
Welcome to Yeshivas Ohr Reuven. We appreciate your interest in YOR.
To apply, please see the link at the bottom of the page.
The following items will be required in order to submit an application:
Once your application has been submitted, you will be contacted by the Admissions Office to schedule a Farher.
Prior to the Farher: The following must have been submitted.
(Menahel/Rebbe Report and report cards need not be submitted for transitioning Yeshiva Ketana Ohr Reuven talmidim.)
The Farher consists of both parents and the potential talmid meeting with the Rosh HaYeshiva, the Menahalim and/or the Mashgiach. During this time the potential talmid will be orally tested on the material he is currently learning. A General Studies exam will also be administered.
Notification letters will be sent out once admissions decisions have been made. In order for a slot to be held for a student that received an acceptance letter, the Enrollment Commitment Form, registration fee and your son’s most recent immunizations will have to be provided within 7 days of the receipt of the acceptance letter.
If you are not interviewed for any reason, the yeshiva will be happy to refund your $100 application fee upon written request to nweitz@ohrreuven.com.
Should you have any questions regarding the admissions process, feel free to contact our Admissions Director, Mrs. Weitz at 845.362.8362, ext.#105 or at nweitz@ohrreuven.com.
Please note: The Yeshiva’s dormitory is not for Mesivta bochurim at this time.
MESIVTA Waitlist Form – We are no longer accepting formal applications for 10th & 11th grade. Should you wish to have your son placed on our waiting list, you can fill out this waitlist form.
In Case Of Inclement Weather Please Call our Message Line
845-362-8362 ext. 199 (Yeshiva Ketana)
845-362-8362 ext. 198 (Mesivta)